Type of Fees | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) |
Admission | For all Dept. | 300.00(for SC & ST)/400.00(for others)one time |
Tuition | Do | 800.00(per semester) |
Library | Do | 200.00(per semester) |
Library Caution Deposit | Do | 800.00 (Refundable) |
Development | Do | 250.00(per semester) |
Identity Card | Do | 50.00(one time) |
Games & Sports | Do | 100.00(per semester) |
Registration | Do | 300.00(one time) |
Enrolment | Do | 500.00(per semester) |
Students Aid Fund | Do | 50.00(per yr.) |
Electricity | Do | 150.00(per semester) |
Generator | Do | 150.00(per semester) |
Laboratory/Field Work | Do | {500.00(Math)/580(Social Work)/580(Physics & Chemistry)}per semester |
Type of Fees | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) |
Examination | For P.G. | 250.00 (Rs 50 per semester will be reimbursed to the colleges having P.G. courses per student) |
Enrolment & Examination fees | For U.G. | 250.00 (Rs 50 per semester will be reimbursed to the colleges per student) |
SNC | For both U.G. & P.G. | 100.00 (per paper) |
Type of Fees | Particulars | Amount (Rs.) |
Inward, Outward and restoration of Migration | For both U.G. & P.G. | 200.00 |
To get the copy of the answer script under RTI Act | For both U.G. & P.G. | 500.00 |
Issuance of provisional certificate | For both U.G. & P.G. | 200.00 |
Type of Fees | Particulars | Amount(Rs.) |
Transcription Charges of Marksheet | For both U.G. & P.G. | 1000.00 |
Type of Fees | Particulars | Amount(Rs.) |
Issuance of duplicate Registration Certificates, Marksheets and other certificates | For both U.G. & P.G. | 100.00 |