The Department of Social Work started its journey in September 2014 for post graduate students to help them acquire skills to work in rural areas and to orient them to have an inclination for development efforts for the people of rural vicinities in Bankura district. The Social Work Department has initiated outreach activities in the nearby rural communities. For this purpose, the department has been working continuously in the adopted villages. It also collaborates with NGOs and industries for community and social development at large. The focus of the department has been on strengthening social work research and community extension work. The department organizes blood donation and Thalassaemia screening camps. Afforestation activities are initiated by the department on certain occasions such as, World Environment Day, HIV& AIDS Day, etc. Educational surveys at villages are organized by the department in collaboration with various organizations. Moreover, inter-university exchange programmes are introduced for academic interactions and field exposures. The department reaches out to people of the rural vicinities to manage situations due to natural disasters through relief works. To give psycho-social support to the elderly people and to minimize the intergenerational gaps the department organizes various community engagement programmes with the NGOs and local bodies. Besides, the students conduct awareness generation programmes on various aspects and engage community people for community participation through the practice-based methods like PRA and PLA. Moreover, to make a collaborating link between home, school and local administrators the school social work plays an important role for the physical, mental, moral, cognitive and cultural development of the children.


Mr. Nirupam Hazra
Mr. Nirupam Hazra

Assistant Professor

+91-7908962162 / 9477405073

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Dr. Tanuka Roy Sinha
Dr. Tanuka Roy Sinha

Assistant Professor


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Dr.Suchetana Ghosh
Dr.Suchetana Ghosh



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Dr. Abhishek Dey
Dr. Abhishek Dey



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Year of the Project started

Funding Agencies with Website

Time Period of the project

Title of the project

Project Descriptions with Project ID

Funding Amount

Instalments Received

Details of PI, Co- PI

1. Name

2. Designation


4. Name of the University or College


Government of West Bengal, Office of the Additional District Magistrate, Bankura Zilla Parishad




06 months

“Sample Survey of Individual Household Latrine constructed under Mission Nirmal Bangla Scheme with an objective of Open Defecation Free Environment”

Ref No: 3921/W&S/BZP/2021

4.01 lakhs


Dr. Abhishek Dey (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Bankura University


Dr. Tanuka Roy Sinha (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Bankura University


Mr. Nirupam Hazra (Co-PI), Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Bankura University


Name: Dr. Abhishek Dey
Designation: Assistant Professor & T.I.C.
Contact Address: Department of Social Work, Bankura University, West Bengal, PIN- 722155