Bankura University established two special UG  departments in Humanities and three special UG departments in Science in which the courses of study will be disseminated in Santali vernacular. The junglemahal area of Bankura is inhabited by a large number of Santals who passed 10+2 level in Santali vernacular mode. They will not be able to access the fruits of higher education if they are not taught in their own vernacular language. Inspired by the advice and initiative of the Department of Higher Education, Govt of West Bengal, Bankura University has opened a special UG WING of teaching-learning in Santali language mode; it has taken decisive initiatives for the development of indigenous populace of the Junglemahal.  

Subjects to be offered for UG in Santali language mode:

1.      Humanities: (a) Philosophy Honours and (b) Geography Honours

2.      Science: Physics Honours, Chemistry Honours and Mathematics Honours

3.      Supporting programme subjects in terms of CBCS

Intake capacity:

Not more than 30 in each subject

Classroom infrastructure:

1.      A part of the Science Building is temporarily used for Science subjects in Santali, allowing easy access to laboratory

2.      A part of the Puabagan Campus Building will be used for the Humanities subjects in Santali


B.Sc. in Chemistry
B.Sc. in GeographyGeography Honours Syllabus (English Version)
Geography Honours Syllabus (Santali Version)
B.Sc. in MathematicsMathematics Honours Structure
Mathematics Honours Syllabus (English Version)
Mathematics Honours Syllabus (Santali Version)
B.Sc. in PhysicsPhysics Honours Structure
Physics Honours Syllabus (English Version)
Physics Honours Syllabus (Santali Version)
B.A. in PhilosophyPhilosophy Honours Syllabus (English Version)
Philosophy Honours Syllabus (Santali Version)